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21-808 Look for News from Wellcare in a Fresh, New Layout

November 17, 2021

This information applies to Physicians, Participating Physician Groups (PPGs), Hospitals, and Ancillary providers.

Don’t worry about a missed communication – go online to access an archive of information

Wellcare providers in California will receive news from Wellcare in a new layout called a provider update. This notice is in the new layout so you know what to expect in future communications.

The provider update is only one method by which you will receive information from us via fax, mail or email. We will continue to send you Wellcare information in other formats – such as letters or flyers – depending on the topic.

Download the provider update Este documento PDF se abrirá en una ventana nueva.

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Last Updated On: 11/17/2021
Wellcare will be performing maintenance on Saturday, December 21, from 6 P.M. EDT to 8 A.M. EDT the next day. You might not be able to access systems or fax during this time. We are sorry for any issues this may cause. Thank you for your patience. If you need assistance, contact us. ×